A modern twist on Hansel and Gretel, the musical fable tells the story of two siblings longing to rebel against their overbearing parents and escape into a world of fantasy. Guided by the talkative Imf in the course of one magical night, Ami and Tami undergo a journey through the Enchanted Forest. In their dream, Father is transformed into a not-terribly-scary Ogre, and Mother into Yaga the Witch, the entrepreneurial owner of a fancy restaurant.
Filled with wordplay and humor, Ami & Tami features wide-ranging types of vocal delivery (from the cartoon-inspired to the operatic). The musical numbers are tied together by common melodic threads within a rich orchestral palette that transports the listener off into a musical dream-world— to ignite our most creative force, our imagination.
Sonya Hamlin
Ami & Tami Album With Lyrics
Gold foil stampped beautiful 4-panel digipak with an embossed front cover featuring original illustration by Peter Savieri and design by Trillium Studio. Inside you will find a 12-page booklet containing English lyrics to all songs, accompanied by photos from the Blue Building production by Mark Gurevich. Includes high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. Ships out within 4 days.